That fuzzy thing hanging from a stone ceiling is an Eastern Pipistrelle bat. This one's a loner. Normally, it can hang out in groups of 1000 or more. As you can see, no crowd there. It weighs in at only 0.12 to 0.30 ounces. Small. However, the Eastern Pipistrelle's wingspan ranges from 7.1 to 9.8 inches. That's big enough to spark a little fear in me when flapping around my head. I was allowed to take that shot (without the flash), while visiting the Longhorn Cavern State Park in Burnet, Texas. We wouldn't want to awake it. Bats are bug-eaters, even the famous Vampire bat. One Eastern Pipistrelle will devour 3000 gnats and moth-like bugs per night. A bit of a weird trade-off. Bats or bugs? Consider this: they'll work all night for you. I've experienced them darting around feasting high in the atmosphere at about dusk. They're so fast you could miss seeing them. Therefore, when you awake to workout in your garden spaces, you'll experience less fly...