Please, don't ask me what variety of dragonfly that is. I thought maybe a green darner. Now, I don't think so.  According to Google images the green darner sported other beautiful colors and designs.  That one's all green.  Whatever it is, it's cleaving to my unproductive tomato plant. I'll give it my own scientific name, "Aliena Tamata Luva."  Are those eyes? It seemed to be looking right into the camera lens.

Nevertheless, every few months, I have to throw a natural pesticide doughnut into an old nearby well.  Unfortunately, if I forget to do so, mosquitoes swarm between the well and our home.  Many coming to the screened in porch windows slamming their bodies against the screens and whining for us to come out and play.

Thankfully, their high-pitched whining attracts their predator: dragonflies. They'll also swarm with their meal zipping back and forth in a hefty feast of old and young mosquitoes. It's a massacre. Each dragonfly eats from thirty to one hundred mosquitoes.  Thank God for sending a cavalry of dragonflies to crush our enemy in their mighty mandibles.  I'd love to see that in slow-motion. 

If you don't have water near your home, a good way to keep these mosquito-eaters around is to create a "Dragonfly Garden."  I'm going to try this, as well.  I really like Black-eyed Susans.  There can never be too many ways to repel mosquitoes.  Click on the link below and learn how to create a flower habitat for your new dragonfly friends.  Remember, mosquitoes can carry the West Nile and Zika viruses.  Be Safe. 
                                               And Happy Gardening, Ladies!              


