Pg. 1 My Testimony: GOD'S PROVISION

I found this beauty prospering in my lawn while mowing. It was so healthy I didn't want to destroy the plant, so I mowed around it to later transplant it. Days before, I heard a woman on a local news channel say, we should incorporate native plants into our garden spaces. Also, at that time, I was interested in putting more edibles into my garden.  
Well, this healthy Bracted Spiderwort that I initially transplanted into a pot flourished.  

Last fall, I placed it in the ground on the edge of my garden near a large rock. This spring I was happy to see that it returned.  Well, today I discovered online that this wildflower is edible. Praise the Lord.  It's in Him that we live, and move, and have our being.  (Acts 17:28) I was being led of God. Amen.

It (the Tradescantia bracteata) also has medicinal properties.  "The plant's crushed leaves are purported to alleviate the pain of insect bites with the juice while a tea made out of boiled roots has use as a laxative" among other things.

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