Hi.  Again, my name is Vivian Masterson.  I've been married to a wonderful man named, Victor, for over thirty-nine years.  We have three beautiful adult children, who all live in far-away States.  Thankfully, they're all successful Black-Americans, whom we are very proud of.  The Lord is GOOD.  

My husband and I were raised in Michigan.  That's where I started my first flower garden in 1984.  I had great neighbors then. I remember watching Helena, a Polish neighbor, daily sprinkling water over her seedlings in her backyard garden.  She began to share her produce with me and then she passed away.  

"Big Ed," rented the house on the opposite side of us.  His dad owned the place. Eddie kept me informed about what my yard used to look like.  I tried so hard to get it back to its former glory. Hard to do with dogs taking up half my space. 

However, we completed the rearing up of our children near Ethridge, Tennessee (Amish Country) where gardening got to be more intense.  We had Amish neighbors watching our every move, in that tiny town with no stoplights or train guard rails: Brace.  Thankfully, I was able to take advantage of the services they offered: tilling and such. 

We enjoyed living close to the Amish.  Lots of adventure there, because I was one of the neighborhood drivers for their out-of-town hospital visits and emergencies. Against their laws, one woman even deemed me to be her "friend" before she passed away in 2011 of lung cancer. I really miss Liddian Zook.

The Spirit of God caused Ethridge, Brace, and Summertown to be a blessing and a haven for our children to mature.  We appreciate how God led so many of his people, even non-Christians, to open many doors for us.  We pray that all of our friends, acquaintances, their families, and their loved ones, are doing very well. We appreciate them all so much. Our children truly dwelt in peace just as God promised; and all graduated with honors.

Therefore, we were empty-nesters by the time we arrived in the desert land of North Central Texas. Yeah, it's like a desert here with its three-digit summer temperatures.  However, unlike a desert the temps can rest in the 90's all night long.  Very different place as far as gardening goes.  Yet, every year I discover which plants will prosper in our alkaline dry rocky soil riddled  with chiggers.

The people?  Here's a clue:  there's a radio host, who asks people (over the phone on the air) about saving money after they switch to a particular insurance company.  He asks, 

    "And the people you spoke with, were they "friendly" Texans?"   

This was said before bad elections and Covid, but that question might tell you something.  No worries. ðŸ˜Ž God keeps us cool.  Since Covid and the elections our country has become so different.  God Bless America!  🙋

We moved to Texas only because my husband wanted to be nearer to his mom, who suffered from Alzheimer.  Thus, he transferred with the company he worked for.  However, we were allowed of God to move his mom into our home to care for her for ten months until she took a turn for the worse.  Then we released her into the hands of professionals in a nursing facility where my hubby could spend time with her before she passed away, three years later.

Life certainly has its ups and downs.  Nonetheless, as my mom would say when I asked how she was (before she passed) I can also say, "I'm still above the ground." And I'm ready to be a blessing to some new gardeners.  Please, allow this blog to assist you in your garden time.



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