Good news!  This is information I received from a Master Gardener on television decades ago. Color is key, besides fragrances (soaps, lotions, oils, underarm and feminine deodorants, etc.).  You don't want to look and/or smell like flowers in your garden.  These are the things that draw bugs to you.  You are right...flying critters don't see well.

What are the RIGHT COLORS for gardening?  Look up at the sky.  Your clothing should make a bug think he's flying up into the sky thus it will change direction when coming your way.  Light blues and lighter grays tones.  NO white, anywhere. Remember, you don't want to look like a streetlight at night either.  Yes, clouds are very bright white sometimes.  Yes, you are free to wear white, if you choose and don't mind swatting flying bugs. Flies love white. And remember, white shows fly vomit.

Black is definitely OUT for gardening in spring and summer. The Master Gardener said that "bugs like shade too" (especially mosquitos) when it's hot outside. Personally, I live in Texas and have not tried wearing black pants in the winter.  We know that Black draws the strength of the sun toward it as opposed to white that's why we see white outfits on tennis courts.  Smart.  

Leave me some wisdom in the comments, if you've worked in the winter wearing black in your garden, in the South. Northern states may be okay with it altogether. Once, I complimented a woman on how lovely she looked (in a picture of herself while gardening) sporting black.  She replied, 

"You should see me when I'm done working. Dirt everywhere." 

I got a mental picture. Funny.

Some bugs look for black holes to crawl into to build nests. Don't let it be the openings of your dark loose-fitting clothes.  Try not to temp bugs.  One woman wore a BLACK sport bra under her very loose-fitting blue jean overalls. Looked really cool and cute, but tempting for an insect. How much insect repellent would we have to spray on us to keep flying bugs away?  God, help that woman.

Bugs love my husband, even when he wears the right colors, because every morning he smears baby oil over his entire body and then mixes his cologne over the baby oil. I suggest he not do that, if he plans to work out in the garden with me.  Well...he gets bug bites every day (winter or summer, in the garden, his truck, or in his workshop).  God bless him.  He has very little body hair and thus doesn't feel them land on him.  I can only feel sorry for him.

What about jeans?  Not too dark!  Remember, on a hot day, insects are looking for shade too.  I discovered looser fitting jeans are best when temps are high.  We know fitted jeans keep us warm:  hold heat to our bodies.  I also realized that light-blue jeans won't draw as much heat from the sun as opposed to darker blue jeans.

Remember, lighter (in any color) is better when it comes to avoiding the sun's intensity. Going to the Zoo? Botanical garden?  Beach? Walking for exercise? Keep this in mind.  Be safe.

To me, swatting at bugs in the midst of hard work; can cause a workout to be STRESSFUL.  Fun's gone. Being comfortable is over, as well. Your garden time should be a time to unwind. Don't let yourself be bugged.

My home garden

Finally, make friends with bug-eaters. How to accomplish that will be in upcoming posts.   Have a bug-free time in your garden. I've done it. Happy gardening!     

Do bugs have noses?  Click on the link below for the answer to that question.

  How Do Insects Smell? Better Than They Used To | Plants And Animals (labroots.com)  

For more posts on "colors" click on the words at the bottom of this page, "Colors/Fragrances Matter" 






