Horizontal rain circled the neighborhood last night, while I was asleep.  Then the Texas emergency alert sounded off on my husband's phone. I awoke, got out of bed, and dressed. Then I pulled back the curtains to look out the window, but I didn't want to stand there staring into the blinding white-out of horizontal rain. Dangerous. And not advised.  

I wanted to see if the trees were bending to the earth. On a trip to Detroit, I witnessed 80 years old trees bending beneath a greenish-black sky.  On that note, we got out the car finding shelter at a local grocery store built of cinder blocks.  Also, I've been very close to a tornado touch down in Ethridge, Tennessee where my daughter's teacher's brick house exploded off its foundation leaving the family to fight the elements from their basement. Thankfully, they lived. The father held onto their twin daughters to keep them from being vacuumed up into the 5 mile wide tornado. An old piano fell on the arm of that teacher leading to many surgeries. Therefore, I prepared to go to the nearest fiberglass shower stall. When the Warning was lifted, I returned to my bed and fell fast asleep. 

When I awoke, I dressed, and headed outdoors to assess the damage.  The picture shows what I found: very minimal damage (April 05, 2022) in my garden.  As you can see in the picture no chainsaws were necessary.  Sadly, the medium sized branch that was ripped from our tallest tree was healthy. 

However, when I noticed the branch laid over my new shoots, I was a little worried. Then I realized we could experience another frost to take them out anyway. Thankfully, when I lifted the branch, they were all intact.

                                             Praise the Lord.  And Happy Gardening, Ladies!
