Yes, mosquitoes are drawn to us when we exhale carbon dioxide. However, I try not to go the extra mile by looking like a walking streetlight at dusk. I avoid looking like things, I can plainly see them being drawn to. Dusk is an unusual time for a morning-person to do yard work. However, I headed for the field wearing all grays with my head wrapped in a blue scarf. I used my heavy loppers (long handled pruning shears) to chop down the milkweeds under bushes around the field instead of uprooting them, which would've been best. The loppers were definitely over-kill, but heavy enough for a good workout. On my way back to the house I looked down and there was a fat gray striped female mosquito on my thigh. I slapped her dead. I've read, mosquitoes like hanging out under bushes (shrubs) and such like. I probably brought her back with me from the bushes. Also, I remembered, spraying perfume on myself after my morning shower. Had no intentions of going into ...