

This sonic aqua golfing ensemble is great for gardening in cooler climates, because the aqua is one of my proven blues. Both blues are perfect.  Every golfer should know about wearing the right colors. I've not learned to play golf yet, but what I know about golfing is that distractions from flying bugs can throw off your swing and lead to you breaking your golf club over your knee in frustration. 😖 Fresh off the course?  Head for the garden to get more fresh air, Ladies.  You'll experience a c omfortable time in your garden wearing this ensemble or one similar to it.                                                  Happy Gardening/Shopping today!                      What Adidas has to says:                "Comfort. Movement. Feel."                        


Ladies, watch what you do in your garden when it comes to birds' nests.  I discovered a scripture in the Old Testament, but let's say this first, it's what you KNOW, not what you don't know that God knows about you. Deuteronomy 22:6 (Amp. version) that reads: "If a bird's nest should chance to be before you in the way, in any tree, or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, and the mother bird is sitting on the young or only the eggs, you shall not take the mother bird with the young.  You shall surely let the mother bird go and take only the young that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days ." I told y'all in the beginning that we are being watched (monitored); however, God sees all, and He looks on our hearts, knowing our motives and intentions, in our gardens and in the fields surrounding our gardens.  He watches how we treat birds  on their nests.  That is a "family," y'all, so let's behave wisely considering


 Sky blue is my favorite color.  Recently, I was browsing  Amazon online and saw they sold a sky-blue long-sleeved workout shirt.  I was pleasantly surprised, because I've never seen my favorite color on clothing before. Excitedly, I purchased two of these shirts (one in gray and my favorite blue).    I've tested Aqua-blue, both medium and light tones. Some refer to this hue as "light turquoise." I regularly wear aqua gloves with whitish leather palms made of washable leather.  Oh, believe me, the white doesn't stay white long. This blue works for deterring flying bugs. Steer clear of the purplish blues. In Texas, you may appear to be a Salvia Azurea Blue Sage (wildflower).  Bees LOVE them.  This is a pollinator that can be found according to "from Utah east to Connecticut and from Minnesota south to Florida. This wildflower tends to be found in the eastern and southeastern portion of this range..."   Check out my favorite gloves,  if you


Hi.  Again, my name is Vivian Masterson.  I've been married to a wonderful man named, Victor, for over thirty-nine years.  We have three beautiful adult children, who all live in far-away States.  Thankfully, they're all successful Black-Americans, whom we are very proud of.  The Lord is GOOD.   My husband and I were raised in Michigan.  That's where I started my first flower garden in 1984.  I had great neighbors then. I remember watching Helena, a Polish neighbor, daily sprinkling water over her seedlings in her backyard garden.  She began to share her produce with me and then she passed away.   "Big Ed," rented the house on the opposite side of us.  His dad owned the place. Eddie kept me informed about what my yard used to look like.  I tried so hard to get  it back to its former glory. Hard to do with dogs taking up half my space.  However, we completed the rearing up of our children near Ethridge, Tennessee (Amish Country) where gardening got to be more inten


Let toads help you, by feasting on your garden  predators and flying bugs. If your garden has any or all of the bugs below, toads are around (whether you've seen them or not).   Toads will devour SLUGS, CRICKETS, GRASSHOPPERS, LOCUSTS, ROACHES, MEALWORMS, EARTHWORMS,  SUPERWORMS, CALCI-WORMS, HORNWORMS AND WAXWORMS, FLIES, GNATS, DRAIN FLIES, SPIDERS, CENTIPEDES, GRUBS, SNAILS, and MOSQUITOS, so buy or make a toad house for your garden friends.  And let a larger plant hang over it:  tuck it into the brush. Believe it or not, one of mines let me stroke his head between his eyes.  I was so honored.  I am weird?  😏 Remember, if you have plenty of the above listed insects then toads will find your garden.  You don't have to purchase toads.  Creatures always abide near food sources. Welcome toads into your bed 😴 bed to help you out at night by investing in; or creating, a Toad House similar to the one below.  It is only 5" high and  7-1/2" in diameter.      


    Watch this video, and know your options to "bee" safe, Ladies. Springtime  brings  bee  activity.  Many women have husbands, who know about  wearing  the  right colors outdoors, and that we shouldn't wear perfumes outdoors, because their sportsman.  I don't have such a husband as many  women don't have nature-knowledgeable men in their lives, so t ell your friends about my blog.  My first post goes into  more details about the colors.   (Click on "Colors/Perfumes Matter" in the tab  above.)   Thanks in advance.   However, years ago, I believe I was led of God to  watch/listen to a Master Gardener  before I even had a garden .  That guy expressed  the same rules I've written about in  my blog for coexisting with flying bugs, which  at the time made so  much sense.     Happy Gardening!


  Is wearing scrubs mandatory at your job?  Go from dirty to dirtier, feed the kids, cat, and/or dog, and head straight for your garden in your scrubs.  Unless, you'd feel more comfortable removing your scrubs for fear of bringing something highly contagious home.  Otherwise, if your scrub color's  right, you can have a bug-free time outside:  wind-down, relax, and get your necessary vitamin D, Girls. However,  if you want to minimize the presence  of flying bugs you should  steer clear of blues that are the color of any flower.  I'm really sorry about that,  because I love all blues, as well. I  know, the grays are blah and drab, but they  work to keep you comfortable in the garden by being a natural insect repellent. Do a little planting or weed pulling while you're out there.   Oh,  don't forget your airy garden crocks!                                                                                                     HAPPY GARDENING!