Photo by Alicia Masterson

Ladies, watch what you do in your garden when it comes to birds' nests.  I discovered a scripture in the Old Testament, but let's say this first, it's what you KNOW, not what you don't know that God knows about you.

Deuteronomy 22:6 (Amp. version) that reads: "If a bird's nest should chance to be before you in the way, in any tree, or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, and the mother bird is sitting on the young or only the eggs, you shall not take the mother bird with the young.  You shall surely let the mother bird go and take only the young that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days."

I told y'all in the beginning that we are being watched (monitored); however, God sees all, and He looks on our hearts, knowing our motives and intentions, in our gardens and in the fields surrounding our gardens.  He watches how we treat birds on their nests.  That is a "family," y'all, so let's behave wisely considering our own families.  Therefore, all hunters beware.  Don't be desperate about destroying families of any animals (especially when a doe has Sucklings).  Same rules apply.

If we SEE a FAMILY in the way and we purposely destroy them, or purposely kill the mother leaving orphans to perish, that sounds like a twisted heart. On the other hand, if we accidentally destroy them all, we shouldn't worry.  God knows our hearts.  And whether or not we saw the family.

St. Luke 16:15-- And he said unto them, you are they which justify yourselves before men: but God knows your hearts:  for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

Other scriptures are:

I Samuel 2:3, 16:7
Acts 1:24
Jeremiah 17:9-10

In a past post, I mentioned some Barn Swallows nesting over my front entry door.  My first thought was to tear down the nest, because the mama scared me flying over my head when I entered or exited my front door. My intentions were not to harm the mother, but to tear down the reason why she was there.  We've done that before.  Now, if my husband had shot the mother bird and then proceeded to throw the occupied nest to the ground shattering the eggs, or leaving the fledglings to perish, I'd have to believe we'd need to check our character as so-called Christians. Amen?

Happy Gardening, y'all!
