
Showing posts from July, 2022


This picture shows that I've place this large planter as a focal point of my garden. Therefore, I raised it up from the ground with some leftover bricks.   Nonetheless, let's focus on the paving stone between the brick and the planter.  It allows free flow of water and liquid plant food.  I can see the water flow over the paver to the ground:  no leftover standing water. Try placing your vegetable and/or flower planters on stone pavers as oppose to the naked ground, for good drainage.  Matching planter saucers look great, but can be a haven for mosquito larvae.  Some gardeners prefer rocks that can also block drainage holes, so be careful that you don't drown your green babies.  They may turn yellow and die sometimes of "Root rot,"   (From Elite Tree Care )  "Root rot" symptoms are: Gradual or quick decline without an obvious reason.  Stunted or poor growth Small, pale leaves Wilted, yellowed, or browned leaves Plant stems or l...


One of our local mockingbirds is nesting again in our yard...Uh, oh.   The Northern Mockingbird is the Official State Bird of Texas  (the first to choose this bird), but Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi have also chosen it. With that information I asked myself, Why have so many states chosen the Northern Mockingbird to represent them?     Reason:  the male is very territorial after mating: protecting it's nest. I've seen a mockingbird chase a coyote out of the vicinity of its nest. Also, I've read that this bird was chosen for Texas (my present home state) for the very reason of his territorial spirit: in the "defense" of its home and would die protecting it.   Thankfully, because he chases away all other birds, it seems, God saw fit to give him the song of all those he's cast out of my yard. Therefore, outside the fact that I won't see other species of birds around the house for a while I'll still hear them.  How Precious, Lovely, an...