Hi. Again, my name is Vivian Masterson. I've been married to a wonderful man named, Victor, for over thirty-nine years. We have three beautiful adult children, who all live in far-away States. Thankfully, they're all successful Black-Americans, whom we are very proud of. The Lord is GOOD. My husband and I were raised in Michigan. That's where I started my first flower garden in 1984. I had great neighbors then. I remember watching Helena, a Polish neighbor, daily sprinkling water over her seedlings in her backyard garden. She began to share her produce with me and then she passed away. "Big Ed," rented the house on the opposite side of us. His dad owned the place. Eddie kept me informed about what my yard used to look like. I tried so hard to get it back to its former glory. Hard to do with dogs taking up half my space. However, we completed the rearing up of our children near Ethridge, Tenne...