
Showing posts from December, 2022


To all who have attempted to read many of my "unintelligible" posts, My apologies for not "saving" my proofread corrections. My apologies for excitedly moving so fast to express myself online that I skipped a step or two causing my post to appear as if a mad woman was posting. Again, my apologies. And thank you for your attempts to read my post. I believe I'm done with my corrections now. Have a great day, and happy gardening.♥️👍

My Favorite Tool: The Mattock

Sometimes winter (cooler temps) can be a great time to dig and/or prep the ground for spring and summer plantings as long as the ground isn't hard but moist.Unfortunately, while digging in your garden you may strike tree roots and/or rocks, MATTOCK to the rescue.  Warning:  when you run to Lowe's, Home Depot, or Ace Hardware to purchase one.  It's HEAVY.    And when you handle it the way UK's Monty Don says would be best for women, you will receive a GOOD workout, so be ready, Girls.  However, I'd advice you to steer away from using this great tool, if you have a weak back or weak anything. It takes strength to raise it. And you want to put lots of force behind bringing it down. Keep your eyes on the root so you don't miss (the way you'd throw a ball).  If you do miss the root, you'll waste energy.  And you'll feel it.  Whether you're wrestling with large dead dry roots or live roots with smaller offshoots hunks of wood will fly, so wear saf...

My Favorite: The Morning Glory.

  Remember, Morning glories are invasive, but I like and grow them in the center of my garden anyway. As you may have figured, I'm busy every spring and summer removing her seedlings, but I don't care.   Behold how beautiful this invasive plant is. Eventually, it will over take the birdhouses; and the wrens will find refuge and nest in those hidden houses.  I love that!  Even the solar light will be darkened for two seasons, but I don't care.   My morning glory is glorious; and I'm awake when she's most beautiful (early in the day) boasting her pink, blue, and purple blossoms.                                                      Have a great day, Ladies.