The above picture is where the local coyote brought his kill to devour or bury it.  I removed lots of brush burned and/or chopped it up.  Normally, when people see a woman work that hard alone (wearing her husband's clothes) they assume she is a ruffian. Don't let that happen to you.

Ladies, you're being watched by your neighbors in your garden. They beg the question:  "Does she know what she's doing?" For me, the answer was, yes.  However, I was "the new kid on the block," so who knew? Above is a before picture of my garden space.  The After picture is at the end of this post.

# 1 stay humble, because you don't know everything about gardening, but you're willing to learn.  Therefore, be friendly as possible.  You may have to ask for prayer.

#2 be committed to whatever you've started:  don't quit. Be willing to search-out advice.

#3 if your plant starts to die, show concern

#4 it's possible the plant doesn't like that location or the soil it's in.  

#5 learn how to change the soil pH. Buy a pH tester. And adjust the soil for that plants survival.

#6 how and when to move them to a better place in the yard.  

#7 they could be suffering from malnutrition.  

#8 by all means, dress properly not like a bum, in your new neighborhood.

Your neighbors should be able to behold you caring about what you've planted. That in itself should "stop the mouths of the liars."

If the elderly person next door wants to give you TIPS count it as a blessing.  After following their advice, you may offer to share some of your produce and/or flowers with them. And if they turn it down, don't be offended. They simply wanted to feel useful.

If you're interested in the guy across the way, the worst thing you can do is be uncommitted to your balcony, the window garden, or your porch green babies.  Letting them dry up and die displays poor character to all.  Instead, when you know you can no longer be committed, take them out of the public's sight. This is VERY important.

If your neighbor offends you about your digging around (to your face) don't worry about it or be hurt.  They could be very jealous of you being bold enough to save money by trying to do your own gardening. The finished product will prove them wrong. Eventually, they will be ashamed they lied on you to others.  And possibly, they'll have to compliment you (to your face) on a job well done.  You'll win, because you obtain and apply knowledge with perseverance.  Be tenacious, Ladies!  Click on the picture to get a better view of my work.  Thanks.
